
My dotfiles.
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      1 # JOE syntax highlight file for SQL
      3 # See c.jsf for more documentation
      5 # Define no. sync lines
      6 # You can say:
      7 # -200     means 200 lines
      8 # -        means always start parsing from beginning of file when we lose sync
      9 #          if nothing is specified, the default is -50
     10 -
     12 =Idle
     13 =Bad		bold red
     14 =Preproc 	blue
     15 =Define		bold blue
     16 =Comment 	green
     17 =IncLocal	cyan
     18 =IncSystem	bold cyan
     19 =Constant 	cyan
     20 =Escape 	bold cyan
     21 =Type 		bold
     22 =Keyword 	bold
     23 =CppKeyword	bold
     24 =Brace		magenta
     25 =Control
     27 :idle Idle
     28 	*		idle
     29 	"\n"		idle
     30 	"#"		line_comment	recolor=-1
     31 	"/"		slash
     32 	"-"		dash
     33 	"0"		first_digit	recolor=-1
     34 	"1-9"		decimal	recolor=-1
     35 	"."		maybe_float
     36 	"\""		string		recolor=-1
     37 	"'"		char		recolor=-1
     38 	"\i@"		ident		buffer
     39 	"{}"		brace		recolor=-1
     40 	",:;=()><[]*&|!~+%^"	control		recolor=-1
     42 :brace Brace
     43 	*	idle	noeat
     45 :control Control
     46 	*	idle	noeat
     48 :slash Idle
     49 	*		idle		noeat recolor=-2	# Not sure about this
     50 	"*"		comment		recolor=-2
     51 	"/"		line_comment	recolor=-2
     53 :dash Idle
     54 	*		idle		noeat recolor=-2	# Not sure about this
     55 	"-"		line_comment	recolor=-2
     57 :comment Comment
     58 	*		comment
     59 	"*"		maybe_end_comment
     61 :maybe_end_comment Comment
     62 	*		comment
     63 	"/"		idle
     64 	"*"		maybe_end_comment
     66 :line_comment Comment
     67 	*		line_comment
     68 	"\n"		idle
     70 :first_digit Constant
     71 	*		idle	noeat
     72 	"xX"		hex
     73 	"."		float
     74 	"eE"		epart
     75 	"0-7"		octal
     76 	"89"		bad_number	recolor=-1
     78 :bad_number Bad
     79 	*		idle	noeat
     80 	"0-9"		bad_number
     82 :octal Constant
     83 	*		idle	noeat
     84 	"0-7"		octal
     85 	"89"		bad_number	recolor=-1
     87 :hex Constant
     88 	*		idle	noeat
     89 	"0-9A-Fa-f"	hex
     91 :decimal Constant
     92 	*		idle	noeat
     93 	"0-9"		decimal
     94 	"eE"		epart
     95 	"."		float
     97 :maybe_float Constant
     98 	*		idle	recolor=-2	noeat
     99 	"0-9"		float		recolor=-2
    101 :float Constant
    102 	*		idle	noeat
    103 	"eE"		epart
    104 	"0-9"		float
    106 :epart Constant
    107 	*		idle	noeat
    108 	"0-9+\-"	enum
    110 :enum Constant
    111 	*		idle	noeat
    112 	"0-9"		enum
    114 :string	Constant
    115 	*		string
    116 	"\""		idle
    117 	"\\"		string_escape	recolor=-1
    118 	"%"		string_control	recolor=-1
    120 :string_escape Escape
    121 	*		string
    122 	"x"		string_hex1
    123 	"0-7"		string_octal2
    124 	"\n"		string		recolor=-2
    126 :string_hex1 Escape
    127 	*		string		noeat
    128 	"0-9a-fA-F"	string_hex2
    130 :string_hex2 Escape
    131 	*		string		noeat
    132 	"0-9a-fA-F"	string
    134 :string_octal2 Escape
    135 	*		string		noeat
    136 	"0-7"		string_octal3
    138 :string_octal3 Escape
    139 	*		string		noeat
    140 	"0-7"		string
    142 :string_control Escape
    143 	*		string
    144 	"\""		string noeat
    145 	"\n"		idle
    146 	"0-9.\-+ #hjILtz$"	string_control
    148 :char Constant
    149 	*		char
    150 	"\n"		idle
    151 	"'"		idle
    152 	"\\"		char_escape	recolor=-1
    154 :char_escape	Escape
    155 	*		char
    156 	"x"		char_hex1
    157 	"0-7"		char_octal2
    158 	"\n"		char		recolor=-2
    160 :char_hex1 Escape
    161 	*		char		noeat
    162 	"0-9a-fA-F"	char_hex2
    164 :char_hex2 Escape
    165 	*		char		noeat
    166 	"0-9a-fA-F"	char
    168 :char_octal2 Escape
    169 	*		char		noeat
    170 	"0-7"		char_octal3
    172 :char_octal3 Escape
    173 	*		char		noeat
    174 	"0-7"		char
    176 :ident Idle
    177 	*		idle		noeat istrings
    178 	"absolute"	kw
    179 	"add"		kw
    180 	"admindb"		kw
    181 	"all"		kw
    182 	"alphanumeric"		kw
    183 	"alter"		kw
    184 	"and"		kw
    185 	"any"		kw
    186 	"are"		kw
    187 	"as"		kw
    188 	"asc"		kw
    189 	"assertion"		kw
    190 	"authorization"		kw
    191 	"autoincrement"		kw
    192 	"avg"		kw
    193 	"begin"		kw
    194 	"between"		kw
    195 	"binary"		kw
    196 	"bit"		kw
    197 	"bit_length"		kw
    198 	"boolean"		kw
    199 	"both"		kw
    200 	"by"		kw
    201 	"byte"		kw
    202 	"cascade"		kw
    203 	"catalog"		kw
    204 	"char,"		kw
    205 	"character"		kw
    206 	"character_length"		kw
    207 	"char_length"		kw
    208 	"check"		kw
    209 	"clause"		kw
    210 	"close"		kw
    211 	"clustered"		kw
    212 	"coalesce"		kw
    213 	"collate"		kw
    214 	"collation"		kw
    215 	"column"		kw
    216 	"commit"		kw
    217 	"comp,"		kw
    218 	"compression"		kw
    219 	"connect"		kw
    220 	"connection"		kw
    221 	"constraint,"		kw
    222 	"constraints"		kw
    223 	"container"		kw
    224 	"contains"		kw
    225 	"convert"		kw
    226 	"count"		kw
    227 	"counter"		kw
    228 	"create"		kw
    229 	"currency"		kw
    230 	"current_date"		kw
    231 	"current_time"		kw
    232 	"current_timestamp"		kw
    233 	"current_user"		kw
    234 	"cursor"		kw
    235 	"d"		kw
    236 	"database"		kw
    237 	"date"		kw
    238 	"datetime"		kw
    239 	"day"		kw
    240 	"dec,"		kw
    241 	"decimal"		kw
    242 	"declare"		kw
    243 	"delete"		kw
    244 	"desc"		kw
    245 	"disallow"		kw
    246 	"disconnect"		kw
    247 	"distinct"		kw
    248 	"distinctrow"		kw
    249 	"domain"		kw
    250 	"double"		kw
    251 	"drop"		kw
    252 	"eqv"		kw
    253 	"exclusiveconnect"		kw
    254 	"exec,"		kw
    255 	"execute"		kw
    256 	"exists"		kw
    257 	"extract"		kw
    258 	"false"		kw
    259 	"fetch"		kw
    260 	"first"		kw
    261 	"float,"		kw
    262 	"float4"		kw
    263 	"float8"		kw
    264 	"foreign"		kw
    265 	"from"		kw
    266 	"general"		kw
    267 	"grant"		kw
    268 	"group"		kw
    269 	"guid"		kw
    270 	"having"		kw
    271 	"hour"		kw
    272 	"i"		kw
    273 	"identity"		kw
    274 	"ieeedouble"		kw
    275 	"ieeesingle"		kw
    276 	"ignore"		kw
    277 	"image"		kw
    278 	"imp"		kw
    279 	"in"		kw
    280 	"in"		kw
    281 	"index"		kw
    282 	"indexcreatedb"		kw
    283 	"inner"		kw
    284 	"input"		kw
    285 	"insensitive"		kw
    286 	"insert"		kw
    287 	"int,"		kw
    288 	"integer,"		kw
    289 	"integer1"		kw
    290 	"integer2"		kw
    291 	"integer4"		kw
    292 	"interval"		kw
    293 	"into"		kw
    294 	"is"		kw
    295 	"isolation"		kw
    296 	"join"		kw
    297 	"key"		kw
    298 	"language"		kw
    299 	"last"		kw
    300 	"left"		kw
    301 	"level"		kw
    302 	"like"		kw
    303 	"logical,"		kw
    304 	"logical1"		kw
    305 	"long"		kw
    306 	"longbinary"		kw
    307 	"longchar"		kw
    308 	"longtext"		kw
    309 	"lower"		kw
    310 	"match"		kw
    311 	"max"		kw
    312 	"memo"		kw
    313 	"min"		kw
    314 	"minute"		kw
    315 	"mod"		kw
    316 	"money"		kw
    317 	"month"		kw
    318 	"national"		kw
    319 	"nchar"		kw
    320 	"nonclustered"		kw
    321 	"not"		kw
    322 	"ntext"		kw
    323 	"null"		kw
    324 	"number"		kw
    325 	"numeric"		kw
    326 	"nvarchar"		kw
    327 	"octet_length"		kw
    328 	"oleobject"		kw
    329 	"on"		kw
    330 	"open"		kw
    331 	"option"		kw
    332 	"or"		kw
    333 	"order"		kw
    334 	"outer"		kw
    335 	"output"		kw
    336 	"owneraccess"		kw
    337 	"pad"		kw
    338 	"parameters"		kw
    339 	"partial"		kw
    340 	"password"		kw
    341 	"percent"		kw
    342 	"pivot"		kw
    343 	"position"		kw
    344 	"precision"		kw
    345 	"prepare"		kw
    346 	"primary"		kw
    347 	"privileges"		kw
    348 	"proc,"		kw
    349 	"procedure"		kw
    350 	"public"		kw
    351 	"real"		kw
    352 	"references"		kw
    353 	"restrict"		kw
    354 	"revoke"		kw
    355 	"right"		kw
    356 	"rollback"		kw
    357 	"schema"		kw
    358 	"second"		kw
    359 	"select"		kw
    360 	"selectschema"		kw
    361 	"selectsecurity"		kw
    362 	"set"		kw
    363 	"short"		kw
    364 	"single"		kw
    365 	"size"		kw
    366 	"smalldatetime"		kw
    367 	"smallint"		kw
    368 	"smallmoney"		kw
    369 	"some"		kw
    370 	"space"		kw
    371 	"sql"		kw
    372 	"sqlcode,"		kw
    373 	"sqlerror,"		kw
    374 	"sqlstate"		kw
    375 	"stdev"		kw
    376 	"stdevp"		kw
    377 	"string"		kw
    378 	"substring"		kw
    379 	"sum"		kw
    380 	"sysname"		kw
    381 	"system_user"		kw
    382 	"table"		kw
    383 	"tableid"		kw
    384 	"temporary"		kw
    385 	"text"		kw
    386 	"time"		kw
    387 	"timestamp"		kw
    388 	"timezone_hour"		kw
    389 	"timezone_minute"		kw
    390 	"tinyint"		kw
    391 	"to"		kw
    392 	"top"		kw
    393 	"trailing"		kw
    394 	"transaction"		kw
    395 	"transform"		kw
    396 	"translate"		kw
    397 	"translation"		kw
    398 	"trim"		kw
    399 	"true"		kw
    400 	"union"		kw
    401 	"unique"		kw
    402 	"uniqueidentifier"		kw
    403 	"unknown"		kw
    404 	"update"		kw
    405 	"updateidentity"		kw
    406 	"updateowner"		kw
    407 	"updatesecurity"		kw
    408 	"upper"		kw
    409 	"usage"		kw
    410 	"user"		kw
    411 	"using"		kw
    412 	"value"		kw
    413 	"values"		kw
    414 	"var"		kw
    415 	"varbinary"		kw
    416 	"varchar"		kw
    417 	"varp"		kw
    418 	"varying"		kw
    419 	"view"		kw
    420 	"when"		kw
    421 	"whenever"		kw
    422 	"where"		kw
    423 	"with"		kw
    424 	"work"		kw
    425 	"xor"		kw
    426 	"year"		kw
    427 	"yesno"		kw
    428 	"zone"		kw
    429 	"begin"		kw
    430 	"end"		kw
    431 # T-SQl
    432 	"if"		kw
    433 	"then"		kw
    434 	"else"		kw
    435 	"print"		kw
    436 	"case"		kw
    437 	"go"		kw
    438 	"cross"		kw
    439 	"exec"		kw
    440 	"use"		kw
    441 # mysql
    442 	"int"		kw
    443 	"char"		kw
    444 	"default"	kw
    445 	"type"		kw
    446 	"float"		kw
    447 	"begint"	kw
    448 	"mediumint"	kw
    449 	"longint"	kw
    450 	"blob"		kw
    451 	"tinyblob"	kw
    452 	"mediumblob"	kw
    453 	"longblob"	kw
    454 	"tinytext"	kw
    455 	"mediumtext"	kw
    456 	"longtext"	kw
    457 	"show"		kw
    458 	"explain"	kw
    459 	"enum"		kw
    460 done
    461 	"\c"		ident
    463 :type Type
    464 	*	idle	noeat
    466 :kw Keyword
    467 	*	idle	noeat
    469 :cppkw CppKeyword
    470 	*	idle	noeat