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movementInSquares.ts (2544B)

      1 import {initBackground, setBkgFunc} from './backs.js';
      3 // Init and globals.
      4 initBackground();
      5 // Util functions.
      7 // A drawable rectangle.
      8 class DrawCell {
      9     // X-location.
     10     x: number;
     11     // Y-location.
     12     y: number;
     13     // Width of the cell.
     14     width: number;
     15     // Height of the cell.
     16     height: number;
     17     // Color of the cell.
     18     color: string;
     20     // Construct a draw cell. 
     21     constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number,
     22                 color: string = '#FFFFFF') {
     23         this.x = x;
     24         this.y = y;
     25         this.width = width;
     26         this.height = height;
     27         this.color = color;
     28     }
     30     // Draw to the canvas.
     31     draw = (context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => {
     32         context.fillStyle = this.color;
     33         context.rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
     34     }
     35 }
     37 // Movement in Squares by Bridget Riley
     38 setBkgFunc((canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
     39             context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => {
     40                 let wWidth = window.innerWidth;
     41                 let wHeight = window.innerHeight;
     42                 let drawCell = new DrawCell(0, 0, 32, 32, '#2eb583');
     43                 // Number of squares based off of width in pixels.
     44                 let numSquares = Math.ceil(wWidth / drawCell.width);
     45                 let horizon = wWidth * 0.65;
     47                 let drawSq = true;
     48                 for(let i = 0; i < wWidth; i += drawCell.width) {
     49                     // Needed to fix the problem of squares being drawn offscreen
     50                     // mess with the pattern.
     51                     let drewFirstSquare: boolean = drawSq;
     52                     // Calculate the width of the square, gets smaller the closer
     53                     // it is to 65% of the way through the screen.
     54                     drawCell.x = i;
     55                     drawCell.width = Math.max(2, drawCell.height *
     56                         Math.sqrt((drawCell.x < horizon) ?
     57                             ((horizon - drawCell.x) / horizon) :
     58                             ((drawCell.x - horizon) / horizon)));
     59                     for(let j = 0; j < wHeight; j += drawCell.height) {
     60                         if(drawSq) {
     61                             drawCell.y = j;
     62                             drawCell.draw(context);
     63                         }
     64                         drawSq = !drawSq;
     65                     }
     66                     // Make sure squares drawn offscreen do not mess up the pattern.
     67                     drawSq = (drawSq == drewFirstSquare) ? !drewFirstSquare : drawSq;
     68                 }
     69             });